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Folliculitis: symptoms and treatment


Many people have folliculitis, but they don't necessarily know what it is. Some will indeed see this as a simple button, when this is not the case. Folliculitis needs to be taken care of quickly, in particular by treatment, to prevent it from getting worse and leaving permanent marks, such as hair loss.


Here's all you need to know about folliculitis.

What is folliculitis?


Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicle, and more specifically of the pilosebaceous apparatus, namely the hair and its root. This is why you can have folliculitis all over your body, as long as you have body hair. Only certain parts of the body without hair follicles (the palms of the hands, under the feet for example) are not affected by folliculitis. Folliculitis appears when a germ causes inflammation of the hair follicle.


There are different types of folliculitis, depending on their degree of severity:


superficial folliculitis

Superficial folliculitis is the mildest degree. It is characterized by a red button which will gradually evolve into a white button by filling with stinks. It should be noted that with this type of folliculitis, you will usually see a hair in the middle of this pimple. This button can be sensitive, especially when it pushes and is red. Superficial folliculitis acts only on the surface of the dermis.

deep folliculitis

As its name suggests, deep folliculitis is not only visible on the surface of the dermis but will also attack the hair follicle deep down. This is because the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria has penetrated inside the bulb. Here we are in a situation where folliculitis will be painful both when you touch it, but you can also feel it without touching it. Visually, the condition is the same as superficial folliculitis, but deep folliculitis can develop into patches.

folliculitis in the beard

This type of folliculitis therefore only affects men and its origin is a little different, even if the staphylococcus aureus bacteria is responsible. But the cause of inflammation is going to be generated by shaving. Hence the need to shave well with clean razor blades in good condition.

Questions about folliculitis

Is folliculitis contagious?

Well the answer is yes, folliculitis is even very contagious due to the presence of the staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This is what makes it its main difficulty for treatment. Because, since folliculitis is very contagious, it is advisable:


  • not to touch it when you have it. It is of course easier said than done, so folliculitis can itch and make you want to scratch it (or even pierce it when it is in the final stage with the stinks). But by touching it, you risk putting it on your fingers and therefore spreading it to other hair follicles that you will touch with your fingers (on the arms, legs, beard, etc.).

  • not to touch the folliculitis of another person, in particular your spouse who will ask you to pierce the white pimple. Because then you risk spreading folliculitis in your home.

Does folliculitis leave marks ?

Folliculitis can leave traces at two levels:

on the one hand, if you do not allow the folliculitis to mature naturally, if you scratch, then you risk causing deep lesions which will take on the appearance of pigmented scars.

on the other hand, the extreme case can generate the disappearance of the hair follicle, and therefore of the hair. You risk finding yourself with a hole in your hair, or even a hole in your beard , for example. Which would not be very aesthetic.

How to treat folliculitis?

Good hygiene rules against folliculitis

If you have folliculitis, as I said earlier in the article, it is necessary to observe certain rules of hygiene:

  • wash your hands well

  • cut your nails

  • especially do not scratch the area, do not touch it either

  • avoid going to humid places such as swimming pools, saunas, jacuzzis, etc.

  • in case of folliculitis in the beard, clean your shaving devices well (blades, razors, badgers), even disinfect them regularly, even after each use.

Article to read: How to disinfect a razor blade?

A treatment for folliculitis

It is then strongly advised to go to your doctor for an anti-staphylococcal antibiotic treatment. If you regularly have folliculitis, local samples can be taken to have a better understanding of your situation.

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