Tips & Information
The benefits of baking powder for skin, beard and hair

We all have sachets of baking powder in one of our kitchen cupboards, because we are very greedy! If so, don't say otherwise! But did you know that baking powder can have many benefits for skin, beard and hair. And even for the nails! Nope ? It's not surprising, these benefits are relatively unknown. Baking powder is mainly composed of sodium bicarbonate (or soda) which is very beneficial for the skin:
it rebalances the pH of the skin,
it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties,
it limits the secretion of sebum,
it acts as an exfoliant.
Below are the different uses you can do with a sachet of baking powder on your skin.
Baking powder to prevent pimples
One of the main causes of the appearance of pimples on the face is excess sebum in the pores. Your pores are completely clogged, so your skin can no longer breathe. But, to still allow it to breathe, the pores will remain open, or even enlarge. By no longer closing, the pores will simply be a nest for bacteria, for dead skin cells, etc. This will promote the arrival of pimples. This can also have implications for ingrown hairs in the beard .
Baking powder to relieve pimples
Thanks to the baking soda, a mask with baking powder will have the effect of cleaning up and drying the pimples, which will make them disappear more quickly. You can do this mask once a week, or even twice a week if you have oily skin.
Baking powder to prevent dandruff
Baking powder has a purifying power at the level of excess sebum that can be found on the roots of hair or even beard hair. Too much sebum at the roots will cause the appearance of beard dandruff, and in particular so-called oily dandruff. However, many men seek precisely to avoid beard dandruff or even dandruff in their hair. By applying baking powder in a mask, this will help regulate sebum production.
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