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How to remove bags under the eyes naturally?

enlever poches sous yeux naturellement

Are you looking for a natural solution to remove bags under the eyes ? Find my tips for removing bags under the eyes naturally, with products from your kitchen  !

After writing the article on how to hide dark circles , I had to tackle another subject that is of great interest to men : bags under the eyes! Indeed, bags are the eyes are a subject of hassle.

There are different ways to reduce bags under the eyes naturally. So of course, this article will not satisfy people who have very large bags under their eyes, bags made from fat that will require surgery to remove them.


Below are my tips for removing bags under the eyes naturally.

Remedies to remove bags under the eyes naturally

Remove bags under the eyes naturally with an ice cube

Here is a method that is certainly the easiest to remove bags under the eyes naturally : the ice cube ! And a very practical and very economical method, because we all have ice cubes in the freezer ! Why is the ice cube effective in reducing bags under the eyes ? Because the cold will allow the tissues to deflate.

To use an ice cube to remove bags under the eyes naturally, it's very simple :

  • place the ice cube directly on your eye bag

  • massage gently for 5 minutes without pressing too much on the pocket.

  • Once the 5 minutes have passed, do not hesitate to apply the ice cube to half of your face to tighten the pores of your skin (and avoid blackheads and pimples).

  • do the same on the other eye.


Remove bags under the eyes naturally with an egg white


Yes, you read that right, an egg white ! Very practical because we all have eggs in the fridge ! The egg white will indeed act by tightening and reducing the bags under the eyes. All we ask ! In addition, egg white will also improve blood circulation under the eyes, which will have a positive effect in reducing dark circles under the eyes in a natural way.

Here is my advice for using an egg white against bags under the eyes :

  • put a 1/2 teaspoon of egg white on the bags under the eyes,

  • let it dry for about 15 minutes

  • then rinse well with cold water.


Remove bags under the eyes naturally with cucumber

Ah the famous cucumber, a good trick to remove bags under the eyes naturally ! And a trick that actually works. This is the reason why it is widely used as an eye care product. Why ? Because the cucumber is composed mostly of water and is very fresh. But for the cucumber to be even more effective, follow this little advice :

  • Place the cucumber in the refrigerator beforehand.

  • when it is very cold, cut slices of relatively thick cucumbers.

  • lightly dab the bags under the eyes with it, in order to apply pressure and promote blood microcirculation.

  • place the cucumber slices on the bags under the eyes for about 25 minutes. Put on relaxing music to relax, a little essential oil in the room...

  • you can also take advantage of this moment to make a hair mask or a face mask !


Remove bags under the eyes naturally with a tea bag


To remove bags under the eyes naturally, you can use a tea bag. So, if you make yourself tea in the morning for your breakfast, don't throw away your green tea bags right away, they will be useful in your bathroom ! How to use a tea bag to remove bags under the eyes naturally, it's very simple :

  • boil water

  • put 2 bags of green tea to infuse (one bag for each eye).

  • let the infusion cool in the refrigerator so that it goes faster and collect the sachets.

  • lightly dab the bags under the eyes with, in order to apply pressure,

  • place the tea bags on the bags under the eyes for about 15 minutes. This will allow you at the same time to relax, to relax.


Remove bags under the eyes naturally with potato


The potato will also be a good ally to remove bags under the eyes naturally ! Why potato ? Because it contains starch which is a very absorbent molecule. Here is how a potato to remove bags under the eyes naturally :

  • Put a potato in the fridge before you go to bed.

  • the next day, cut two large strips of raw potato.

  • drop them on the bags under your eyes for 15 minutes.


You should know that this trick with potatoes to remove bags under the eyes will also reduce the color of dark circles.

Change your lifestyle to remove bags under the eyes naturally


If you really tend to have bags under your eyes, on a very regular basis, you will also have to make changes to your lifestyle.

Change your diet to remove bags under the eyes naturally


Indeed, certain foods will act positively or negatively on the bags under the eyes. So :

  • do not hesitate to include more diuretic fruits such as oranges, pineapples, grapes or kiwis in your diet. Of course, take them organic.

  • drink water ! It may seem paradoxical, but drinking at least 2 liters of water a day will also have a positive effect on reducing your puffiness. If you do a physical activity, you have to go up to 3 liters of water.

  • decrease your salt intake


Do a sleep cure to remove bags under the eyes naturally


Sleep more to remove bags under the eyes ! Most of the cases, the bags under the eyes occur following a lack of sleep. Because we have too much work, because we are stressed… the causes of a lack of sleep are very numerous. If you can, don't hesitate to do a little sleep treatment on your days off, this will help reduce the bags under your eyes that you may have on a regular basis.


Make a massage to remove bags under the eyes naturally

The idea here with a massage is to amplify blood circulation to your eyes. This will not only have a positive effect in removing bags under the eyes but will also allow you to no longer have dark circles under the eyes ! Magique ! Attention, for this to be effective, you will have to perform this massage every day ! For example, when you put on your eye contour care.

Here are my tips for a good massage under the eyes :

  • Tap lightly under your eyes using your fingertips for one minute.

  • Then, using one finger, massage from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Repeat the movement several times. Be careful, do not do it the other way around, always from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.

There you go, you now have many tips for removing bags under the eyes naturally. Feel free to share this article!


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