Tips & Information
How to treat a buttock boil?
The buttock boil is an inflammation under the skin, more precisely in the hair follicle, linked to a bacterium that can affect anyone. This bacterium is Staphylococcus aureus We can get a boil on any part of the body, as long as a hair follicle is present. It is therefore not uncommon to see a boil in the buttocks happen. And that can be very embarrassing: not only can the boil on the buttock be painful, but if we spend the day sitting, it can be dangerous.
Here are my tips for properly treating a boil on your buttocks. You can also find my advice in the video at the end of this article.
Facts About Buttock Boil
What Causes a Buttock Boil?
Generally, a boil on the buttock occurs when you have skin friction, or friction in the skin of your buttocks. Thereby :
if you spend a lot of time sitting (for example, you work all day sitting at your desk)
or you do sports that involve friction, such as cycling, horseback riding, rowing, etc.
you are likely to have a boil on your buttocks.
A boil on the buttocks can also occur with the growth of an ingrown hair after a waxing or shaving session.
Finally, it is noted that people with certain characteristics can have buttock boils:
people with diabetes,
people who are overweight,
people taking medical treatment with corticosteroids.
How to avoid a boil on the buttocks?
It is relatively easy to avoid the appearance of a boil on the buttocks if you respect the following rules:
of course, you have to have impeccable hygiene. It is true that the buttocks is not necessarily an area that we take care of a lot, especially us men. And yet, in addition to passing the shower gel on the buttocks, you can apply other treatments. Already, you must have good intimate hygiene. You can then exfoliate your buttocks, especially if you wax your buttocks or if you usually shave your buttocks . Indeed, ingrown hair can be the cause of a boil on the buttocks, and these ingrown hairs can occur after waxing or a shaving session.
Avoid wearing too tight underwear. If you often have a boil on your buttocks, stop wearing boxers or briefs, prefer rather looser boxers. Similarly, at the level of underwear, prefer cotton as a material, which allows you to breathe better and thus avoid perspiration.
How to treat a boil on the buttocks?
What to do if you have a boil on your buttocks?
If you have a boil on your buttocks, here's what to do:
leave him alone, don't touch him, wait for him to empty himself. In the vast majority of cases, the buttock boil will go away on its own after a few days (7 to 10 days)
on the other hand, under certain conditions, you must consult a doctor:
if the boil is very painful
if several boils are on the same area, touch each other, or even form a plaque. This is called anthrax
if the boil on the buttocks comes back very regularly
if the buttock boil is close to the anus.

Should you pierce a buttock boil?
If you have a boil on your buttocks, it is important not to touch it, no matter how mature it is. And therefore, it is important not to pierce it, a gesture that many people do. And yet, it is not good at all. You have to leave the boil alone. Indeed, the boil in the buttocks will go through several phases:
at first, it will be a kind of red button,
then the pus will gradually take place in the boil in the buttocks
finally, the boil on the buttocks will turn white or greenish, like a stink pimple.
When the buttock boil is ripe, the temptation is great to want to pierce it. But it is a gesture that should absolutely not be made. Indeed, if you pierce it, you could spread the bacteria both to other parts of the body but also to make it penetrate more into the body via the bloodstream.
Also, for the same reasons as mentioned above, do not have the buttock boil pierced by another person.
Steps to cure a boil on the buttocks
If you have a boil on your buttocks, here are the things you should do:
as I said above, it is important not to touch it with your fingers and even less to pierce it.
wash your hands well to remove any bacteria and germs you may have.
apply a warm compress to the boil several times a day to soften it.
use a topical antibiotic until the pus comes out of the buttock boil on its own. This can last from 7 to 10 days. Do not hesitate to apply it morning and evening. For example, you can use fusidic acid.
Then cover the buttock boil with a bandage or compress. Of course, you will need to replace the dressing as soon as you apply the topical antibiotic.
wait for the boil on the buttock to empty itself of its pus.
I remind you that if the boil on the buttocks is close to the anus, you must go to a doctor. Just as you should check it out if other boils occur on the buttock area, or on another part of the body.
In any case, if you have a boil on your buttocks, it is essential to wash your underwear that has been in contact with the boil at high temperature. This will kill the bacteria and prevent it from spreading elsewhere.
How to cure a boil on the buttocks naturally?
If you are a fan of natural treatments, such as herbal medicine or aromatherapy, then know that you can take care of your buttock boil.
Thus, if you are not a pregnant woman, you can apply a mixture of one drop of Galbanum essential oil to 4 drops of vegetable oil on your buttock boil (it does not matter the vegetable oil, it can - be olive oil, argan oil, sweet almond oil, etc.). Tap this mixture twice a day until the boil ripens.
Should you be worried about a buttock boil?
Generally speaking, if you have a boil on your buttocks, there is no need to worry if the boil is normal. On the other hand, if you are a person at risk, then it is advisable to consult your doctor or dermatologist. And by people at risk, are understood diabetics, immunocompromised as well as anyone having a corticosteroid treatment.
Likewise, if your buttock boil is placed close to your anus, then it is also advisable to consult because the complications, if there were to be complications, could be very embarrassing.
Finally, if you notice that your buttock boil is causing inflammation around it, or that you have an agglomeration of boils, it is also advisable to go to a doctor quickly.
utilisez un antibiotique local jusqu'à ce que le pus sorte de lui-même du furoncle du fessier. Cela peut ainsi durer de 7 à 10 jours. N"'hésitez pas à l'appliquer matin et soir. Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser de l'acide fusidique.

recouvrez ensuite le furoncle au fessier avec un pansement ou une compresse. Bien entendu, vous devrez remplacer le pansement dès que vous appliquez l'antibiotique local.
attendez que le furoncle au fessier se vide de son pus de lui-même.
Je vous rappelle que si le furoncle au fessier se trouve proche de l'anus, vous devez allez consulter un médecin. Tout comme vous devez le consultez si d'autres furoncles surviennent sur la zone du fessier, ou sur une autre partie du corps.
Dans tous les cas, si vous avez un furoncle au fessier, il est indispensable de laver ses sous-vêtements qui ont été en contact avec le furoncle à haute température. Cela permettra de supprimer la bactérie et ainsi éviter qu'elle ne se propage ailleurs.
Comment soigner un furoncle au fessier naturellement ?
Si vous êtes adeptes aux soins naturels, comme la phytothérapie ou l'aromathérapie, alors sachez que vous pouvez prendre soin de votre furoncle au fessier.
Ainsi, si vous n'êtes pas une femme enceinte, vous pouvez appliquer sur votre furoncle au fessier un mélange composé d'une goutte d'huile essentielle de Galbanum à 4 gouttes d'huile végétale (peut importe l'huile végétale, cela peut-être une huile d'olive, une huile d'argan, une huile d'amande douce, etc.). Tapotez ce mélange deux fois par jour jusqu'à ce que le furoncle murisse.
Faut-il s'inquiéter d'un furoncle au fessier ?
D'une manière générale, si vous avez un furoncle au fessier, il n'est pas nécessaire de s'inquiéter si le furoncle est normal. En revanche, si vous êtes une personne à risque, alors il est conseillé d'aller consulter son médecin ou son dermatologue. Et par personnes à risque, sont compris les diabétiques, les immunodéprimée ainsi que toute personne ayant un traitement à base de corticoïde.
De même, si votre furoncle au fessier est placé proche de votre anus, alors il est également conseillé de consulter car les complications, si complications il devait y avoir, pourraient être très gênantes.
Enfin, si vous constatez que votre furoncle au fessier provoque une inflammation autour de lui, ou que vous avez une agglomération de furoncles, il est également conseillé d'aller consulter rapidement.
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