Tips & Information
How to treat a boil?

A boil can occur at any time and anywhere on the body, and it is essential to treat it well. Here are my tips for curing a boil .
As soon as a boil comes to us on the body, we have only one idea in mind: to blow it up! As we say so well! Let's agree, pierce it with your fingers to get out the stinks it contains. But do you know that this is a very bad idea and that you can make the situation worse? It is indeed strongly advised not to burst a boil with your fingers, at the risk of seeing others arrive, and of having a beautiful scar for life.
Here are my tips for properly treating a boil. Advice that you can also find in the video that I put at the end of this article.
What is a boil?
Before giving you advice on how to properly treat a boil, it is necessary to understand what a boil is. You will better understand why it is strongly discouraged to burst it with your fingers, even if the boil is painful, which can happen.
The boil: an inflammation linked to a bacterium
A boil is simply a subcutaneous inflammation, and is at the level of a hair follicle. The hair follicle is the pocket that contains the root of the hair. This is why you can get a boil anywhere on your body where there may be hair:
the hair
the chest
the pubis
the buttocks
the testicles
the back
Thus, a boil appears when a hair follicle becomes infected. And if it becomes infected, it's because of a particular bacterium, staphylococcus aureus. We have heard a lot about this bacterium recently, especially for the devastation it has caused in certain hospitals. Indeed, in some forms, Staphylococcus aureus can be very dangerous and cause serious sequelae in some people. You should know that this bacterium can be present in many people (we are talking about 30% of the population), but it is in a dormant state, without triggering anything.
How to recognize a boil?
The boil is very clearly distinguished from a classic button because it is generally accompanied by two very distinct signs:
on the one hand, when it pushes, it is bright red and can be quite painful, if only when touched with the fingertips.
then, it's a button that fills up quite quickly with stinks
In any case, visually we can see that it is not a classic button.
What is the lifespan of a boil?
This obviously goes from person to person, but a boil that is left alone and which will ripen naturally will have a lifespan of a few days, 4 to 7 days. So it goes relatively quickly. It is possible to make it ripen faster, I give you my advice below.
In any case, piercing it and telling yourself that it will make it go away faster is not a good thing at all, because you could just spread the boil to other areas of your body.
Who is affected by boils?
Since boil is an inflammation at the level of the hair follicle, anyone can be affected by boil, we indeed have all men and women hair follicles on the skin.
But it turns out that men are more affected than women by boils. And especially if we are talking about a boil on the face due to shaving sessions, which can cause ingrown hairs.
Similarly, some athletes may be affected by boils, I am thinking in particular of cyclists and people who go horse riding. The friction of the buttocks on the saddle can cause a boil of the buttocks.
What causes a boil?
In any case, certain situations can cause a boil:
an ingrown hair, after a waxing or shaving session,
a splinter in the skin,
cuts, in particular related to shaving, poorly disinfected,
acne pimples,
the rubbing of clothing on the skin, especially for the boil in the buttocks .
poor skin hygiene
This is why, when you do a shaving session for example:
it is essential to exfoliate the skin to prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.
it is necessary to use clean and sharp razor blades.
Finally, it should be noted that some people are predisposed to having boils:
people with diabetes,
overweight people,
people taking corticosteroids.
In any case, the lack of hygiene is an element that favors the appearance of boils, as well as excessive sweating. This is the reason why a face scrub or body scrub (like bikini scrub ) is a must to do once a week.
How a Boil Develops
How does a boil evolve?
Before ripening, the boil goes through different stages:
at the very beginning, you will notice a red bump, usually hard, at the level of a hair follicle. One becomes aware of this red bump because it is usually painful.
then, as it ripens, pus will form in the red pimples, which will make it more flexible. The boil will then have a greenish or white color.
finally, the pus will become the majority in the pimple, and that's when you'll want to burst it, but you shouldn't! A red crater will be present and healing will take place within two weeks.
But beware, the boil can also evolve in a negative way, and this involves going to see a doctor or a dermatologist. Indeed, a boil can progress to:
une furunculosis which is a repetition of boils on the same area for several weeks, several months or even several years. This can be quite unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, especially when they appear on visible parts, such as the skull in particular (if you have a fairly short haircut, this can be easily seen)._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
anthrax : which is an accumulation of several boils, almost glued to each other, thus forming a large plaque. This usually happens if you scratch a boil, and it spreads over a larger area.
The boil is contagious
You should know that a boil is contagious. He can thus:
spread on your skin. So, if you have several boils that are tightly packed together, or even stuck together to form a plaque, it's called carbuncle. In this case, it is strongly advised to approach a doctor to have you undergo tests.
spread to other people. So do not ask another person to burst the boil on your back, which is inaccessible to you. And this, especially if the person has cuts or wounds on the finger.
How to Treat a Boil
Don't make the situation worse!
Regardless of the part of the body, the treatment for a boil is the same. But there is one rule that is very clear! Whether you have:
a boil on the face
a buttock boil
a boil on the leg
a boil on the nose
a boil in the armpit
a boil on the thigh
never pop it with your fingers or with tweezers. Don't stick a needle in the boil either.
If you have a boil, the advice is to let it live. Don't touch it, don't do anything. So I know, it's easy to say, especially if the boil is clearly visible, like a boil on the nose for example. The risks of touching it are as follows:
by piercing it, not only do you risk spreading it to other parts of the body, but you also risk further penetrating the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria deep into the body, particularly through the bloodstream. With very dangerous impacts.
by piercing it, you will most certainly have a scar that will never go away.
The boil and the shave
If you have a boil on your face, on a cheek for example or on your chin, and you shave, then it will be advisable to let your beard grow until your boil matures and disappears. Indeed, if you pass a razor blade over the boil, not only will you damage it which will not be aesthetic at all, but in addition you risk spreading it to other parts of the face. Not to mention the pain it can cause.
So leave your skin alone, let it rest.
The same applies if you do hair removal. If you have a pubic boil, do not wax your bikini area or shave your pubic area.
It will also be recommended to avoid doing treatments that can damage the boil such as exfoliation.
How to make a boil ripen faster?
In the vast majority of cases, the boil will go away on its own: after a while, the pus will drain on its own. In any case, if you have a boil:
Apply warm water compresses directly to the boil for about ten minutes each day. This will soften it and make it less painful. Do this until the boil empties on its own.
disinfect the boil every day with an antiseptic and above all do not touch it with your fingers. Apply the antiseptic gently, without scratching the boil or pressing hard on it.
protect the boil with a sterile compress or with a dressing.
In this way, your boil will be able to live its life normally and thus be able to pierce naturally. The stink will therefore be evacuated.
You should know that if you have several boils, or if the boil is located in a place at risk, such as a boil in the anus or in the nostril, it is advisable to make an appointment with your doctor who will then give you a Oral boil treatment.
What to do if you have recurrent boils
There is only one thing to do: go to consult. Because the regular arrival of boils can in particular be linked to an iron deficiency for example, in this case it will be very simple to prevent their arrival.
But boils can also be a sign of more serious conditions, such as diabetes for example. Hence the need for consultation.
How to get rid of a localized boil?
Natural remedies for bikini line boils?
If you have a boil in your bikini line, don't worry, given its location, it will be much easier to treat than a boil in your hair. Visibility is indeed maximum on this area of the jersey and you can treat the boil as it should.
To do this, you can apply the tips I have given you above.
But you can also adopt natural solutions to treat your bikini line boil. And I'm going to give you two little tips.
Treating a bikini line boil with fine lavender essential oil
If you have fine lavender essential oil, then you can put each on your bikini line boil between one to two drops. Be careful before applying this essential oil, you must make sure you are not allergic. To do this, apply one to two drops on your wrist and wait 2 to 3 hours. If no reaction then you can apply it on your bikini line boil.
Treating a bikini line boil with honey
With honey, mixed with brewer's yeast and wheat flour to be more precise. By mixing these three ingredients, you will create a kind of paste that you will apply for a good twenty minutes every day on your bikini line boil. How much should you add these ingredients? Simply take a teaspoon of each ingredient. And choose organic products.
Treating a Boil with Castor Oil
When I say castor oil , I usually mean castor oil for the beard . Because this vegetable oil is a real miracle product to maintain and take good care of your beard (and your hair too, and your nails!). But it is a vegetable oil that is also excellent against pimples and boils because it has powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can thus apply castor oil directly to the boil, 3 times a day.
Be careful, do not apply castor oil on a lip boil for example, because castor oil can be very dangerous if swallowed.
How to Treat a Boil on the Testicles
When I tell you that boils can happen on any part of the body, they can appear on the testicles. And it can be particularly embarrassing with the underwear, even in the event of sexual intercourse (the advantage of the boil in the hair is that it cannot be seen trip, on the testicles, it is more delicate).
If you have a boil on your testicles, first stop shaving your testicles while the boil is present. As I said above, you must leave your boil on your testicles alone, so that the bacteria does not spread to another part of your testicles. Of course, don't go applying hair removal cream either.
Then, given the area, I advise you to wear loose underwear, boxer type, to prevent the underwear from touching the boil on the testicles and therefore damaging it (and therefore spreading the bacteria on other other areas of your private parts).
In terms of care, you can apply the tips above.
How do you know if a boil is cured?
If you see that your boil is progressing well by gradually filling with stinks, it is on the right path to healing. In any case, it is important not to touch it, and to let it live its life. From the moment the stink will be evacuated then we consider that you are at the final stage of its evolution.
Be careful, you may still have a scar from your boil.
désinfectez le furoncle tous les jours avec un antiseptique et surtout ne le touchez pas avec les doigts. Appliquez l'antiseptique doucement, sans gratter le furoncle ou sans appuyer fort dessus.
protéger le furoncle avec une compresse stérile ou avec un pansement.

De cette manière, votre furoncle va pouvoir vivre sa vie normalement et ainsi pouvoir se percer naturellement. Le pue sera donc évacué.
Il est important de bien se laver les mains avant et après les soins, afin de ne pas transporter les bactéries ailleurs sur la peau et risquer la prolifération d’autres furoncles.
Il faut savoir que si vous avez plusieurs furoncles, ou si le furoncle est situé dans un endroit à risque, comme un furoncle à l'anus ou dans la narine, il est conseillé de prendre rendez-vous avec votre médecin qui vous donnera alors un traitement contre le furoncle par voie orale.
Que faire si vous avez des furoncles à répétition
Il n'y a qu'une seule chose à faire : aller consulter. Car l'arrivée régulière de furoncles peut notamment être liée à une carence en fer par exemple, dans ce cas il sera très simple de prévenir leur arrivée.
Mais des furoncles peut également être le signe d'éléments plus grave, comme un diabète par exemple. D'où la nécessité de consulter.
Comment se débarrasser d'un furoncle localisé ?
Les remèdes naturels contre le furoncle au maillot
Si vous avez un furoncle au maillot, n'ayez aucune crainte, vu son emplacement il sera beaucoup plus facile à soigner qu'un furoncle dans les cheveux. La visibilité est en effet maximale sur cette zone du maillot et vous pourrons traiter le furoncle comme il se doit.
Pour ce faire, vous pouvez appliquer les conseils que je vous ai communiqués ci-dessus.
Mais vous pouvez également adopter des solutions naturelles pour traiter votre furoncle au maillot. Et je vais vous donner deux petites astuces.
Traiter un furoncle au maillot avec de l'huile essentielle de lavande fine
Si vous avez de l'huile essentielle de lavande fine, alors vous pouvez mettre chaque sur votre furoncle au maillot entre une à deux gouttes. Attention avant d'appliquer cette huile essentielle, vous devez vous assurer de ne pas être allergique. Pour ce faire, appliquer une à deux gouttes sur votre poignet et attendez 2 à 3 heures. Si aucune réaction alors vous pourrez l'appliquer sur votre furoncle au maillot.
Traiter un furoncle au maillot avec du miel
Avec du miel, mélangé à de la levure de bière et de la farine de blé pour être plus précis. En mélangeant ces trois ingrédients, vous allez créer une sorte de pâte que vous allez appliquer pendant vingt bonne minute chaque jour sur votre furoncle au maillot. En quelle quantité devez-vous mettre ces ingrédients ? Prenez une cuillère à café de chaque ingrédient, tout simplement. Et privilégiez les produits bios.
Traiter un furoncle avec l'huile de Ricin
Quand je parle de l'huile de ricin, c'est généralement d'huile de ricin pour la barbe. Car cette huile végétale est un vrai produit miracle pour entretenir et bien prendre soin de sa barbe (et de ces cheveux aussi, et des ongles !). Mais c'est une huile végétale qui est également excellente contre les boutons et les furoncles car elle possède de puissantes propriétés anti-inflammatoires et antibactériennes. Vous pouvez ainsi appliquer l'huile de Ricin directement sur le furoncle, à raison de 3 fois par jour.
Attention, n'appliquez pas l'huile de Ricin sur un furoncle au lèvre par exemple, car l'huile de Ricin peut-être très dangereuse si avalée.
Comment traiter un furoncle sur les testicules
Quand je vous dis que les furoncles peuvent arriver sur toutes les parties du corps, ils peuvent en apparaitre sur les testicules. Et cela peut-être particulièrement gênant avec le sous-vêtement, voire en cas de rapport sexuel (l'avantage du furoncle dans les cheveux est qu'il ne se voit pas trip, sur les testicules, c'est plus délicat).
Si vous avez un furoncle sur les testicules, dans un premier temps arrêtez de vos raser les testicules tant que le furoncle est présent. Comme je l'ai dit plus haut, vous devez laisser tranquille votre furoncle sur les testicules, pour ne pas que la bactérie se propage sur une autre partie de vos testicules. Bien entendu, n'allez pas non plus appliquer de la crème dépilatoire.
Ensuite, vu la zone, je vous conseille de porter des sous-vêtements larges, type caleçon, pour éviter que le sous-vêtement ne touche le furoncle sur les testicules et donc ne l'abime (et propage par conséquent la bactérie sur d'autres zones de vos parties intimes).
Pour ce qui est des soins à apporter, vous pouvez appliquer les conseils ci-dessus.
Comment savoir si un furoncle est guéri ?
Si vous voyez que votre furoncle évolue correctement en se remplissant progressivement de pue, c'est qu'il est sur la bonne voie de la guérison. Dans tous les cas, il est important de ne pas le toucher, et de le laisser vivre sa vie. A partir du moment où le pue sera évacué alors on considère que vous êtes au stade finale de son évolution.
Attention, il se peut que vous gardiez une cicatrice de votre furoncle.
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