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Tips & Information

Is the blackhead vacuum cleaner effective?


Are blackhead vacuum cleaners effective? Here is a question that I frequently receive from you on Le Male Française social networks, whether via Instagram or Facebook, as well as in messages on the blog. Blackheads being a subject that concerns you a lot. It is true that the blackhead vacuum cleaner has become a bit of a fashionable accessory in the bathroom, the perfect accessory according to some to easily extract blackheads. Moreover, it is enough to see the number of blackhead vacuum cleaner offers on online stores, especially on Amazon to see that the blackhead vacuum cleaner has become an object in high demand. But is the blackhead vacuum really effective? Is it the ideal accessory to remove all blackheads from the nose, chin, forehead or even upper back or cheeks?  That's the question I'm going to answer.


How does a blackhead vacuum cleaner work?


​ The blackhead vacuum cleaner works very simply, you don't need to have a BAC +10 to use it.

  • The first step is to identify the area concerned, well, that's very simple. Depending on the area where you want to extract the blackheads (nose, chin, forehead, etc.), you will have to use a specific tip which is of course supplied with the blackhead vacuum cleaner. Using the right tip will guarantee that the blackheads will be extracted correctly.

  • Once the right tip has been chosen, simply put the tip on the blackhead you want to extract and choose its extraction speed. The speed must be chosen according to the degree of aspiration that is desired. It depends on how the blackhead is implanted in the skin: whether it is on the surface or deeper.

  • As soon as the speed is chosen and the tip applied to the blackhead, you will have to go back and forth for a few seconds, until the blackhead has been exhaled by the blackhead vacuum cleaner.

  • Finally, as soon as you have finished the suction session, you will be able to look at all the blackheads that have been sucked out, and be fully satisfied to have perfectly clear skin!

  • Don't forget to wash your blackhead vacuum cleaner with a hydro-alcoholic solution. You should not, of course, leave the blackheads vacuumed and put away your blackhead vacuum cleaner. No no no ! It's not like a vacuum cleaner! Cleaning is mandatory for good hygiene.

Should you prepare your skin before using a blackhead vacuum?

The answer is yes !! For a very simple reason, to facilitate the work of the blackhead vacuum cleaner and to avoid any skin lesion and any affection. So, a few days before applying the blackhead vacuum to extract your blackheads, you will have to soften them. To make suction easier and avoid using the highest speed and brutalizing your skin by damaging the pores in particular. So, to prepare your skin, I advise you to use a treatment based on salicylic or glycolic acid. If you do not have this type of treatment at home, you can simply perform a steam bath on your face (and it will be good for all the pores of your skin).

Is the blackhead vacuum cleaner dangerous?

A priori, the blackhead vacuum cleaner is not a dangerous device, provided that the correct suction speed is used. Hence it is advisable to always start with the use of the lowest speed and increase it gradually if the blackhead is not sucked. But do not immediately start with the strongest speed if it is not necessary. Because you could cause local inflammation with redness or traces that will remain for life.


Likewise, the blackhead vacuum cleaner is not to be used every day, but from time to time. Because by using your blackhead vacuum every day you could cause the pores of the skin to dilate permanently, making them visible because they no longer fill up. This is called Winner's enlarged pores. Which is not aesthetic. And in addition it further promotes the appearance of blackheads which find a large and beautiful place in these dilated pores.

Is the blackhead vacuum suitable for all skin types?

Before asking the question "is the blackhead vacuum cleaner effective", the question to ask is "can I use a blackhead vacuum cleaner with my skin type". The question may seem surprising but it is not so stupid as that, if I may say so! Because indeed, we do not put a blackhead vacuum cleaner between all the skins! After what I wrote previously about how a blackhead vacuum cleaner works, sensitive skin, which is reactive to the slightest change in the skin (new use of products, change in climate, pollution, application of a device on skin, etc.) may experience difficulty using a blackhead vacuum cleaner. The risk is to trigger a dermatosis, a skin condition. If you have sensitive skin, it is therefore strongly recommended to extract blackheads in another way, in particular by going to an aesthetic salon.

What are the alternatives to a blackhead vacuum?

The blackhead vacuum is not the only solution to extract blackheads from the skin. There is of course the simplest method which consists in removing them with the fingers. Otherwise, you can use anti-blackhead patches that can do the trick perfectly, or even a blackhead remover. But if you don't want to take the lead, then don't hesitate to go to an aesthetic salon.

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aspirateur point noir.png

Faut-il préparer sa peau avant d'utiliser un aspirateur à points noirs ?


La réponse est oui !! Pour une raison bien simple, faciliter le travail de l'aspirateur à points noirs et éviter toute lésion de peau et toute affection. Ainsi, quelques jours avant d'appliquer l'aspirateur à points noirs pour extraire vos points noirs, il va falloir les ramollir. Pour rendre l'aspiration plus simple et éviter d'utiliser la plus forte vitesse et brutaliser votre peau en endommageant notamment les pores. Ainsi, pour préparer sa peau, je vous conseille d'utiliser un soin à base d'acide salicylique ou glycolique. Si vous n'avez pas ce type de soins chez vous, vous pouvez tout simplement réaliser un bain de vapeur sur votre visage (et cela fera du bien à tous les pores de votre peau).

L'aspirateur à points noirs est-il dangereux ?

A priori l'aspirateur à points noirs n'est pas un appareil dangereux, à la condition qu'on utilise la bonne vitesse d'aspiration. D'où il est conseillé de toujours partir en l'utilisation de la plus faible vitesse et l'augmenter progressivement si le point noir n'est pas aspiré. Mais ne partez pas immédiatement avec la vitesse la plus forte si cela n'est pas nécessaire. Car vous pourriez provoquer une inflammation locales avec des rougeurs ou des traces qui resteront à vie.


De même, l'aspirateur à points noirs n'est pas à utiliser tous les jours, mais de temps en temps. Car en utilisant votre aspirateur à points noirs tous les jours vous pourriez provoquer une dilatation permanente des pores de la peau, les rendant ainsi visibles car ils ne se remplissent plus. C'est ce que l'on appelle les pores dilatés de Winner. Ce qui n'est pas esthétique. Et en plus cela favorise encore plus l'apparition des points noirs qui trouvent une grande et belle place dans ces pores dilatés.

L'aspirateur à points noirs convient-il à toutes les peaux ?

Avant de se poser la question "l'aspirateur à points noirs est-il efficace", la question à se poser est "est-ce qu'avec mon type de peau je peux utiliser un aspirateur à points noirs". La question peut paraitre surprenant mais elle n'est pas si bête que cela, si je peux me permettre ! Car en effet, on ne met pas un aspirateur à points noirs entre toutes les peaux ! Après ce que j'ai écrit précédemment sur le fonctionnement d'un aspirateur à points noirs, les peaux sensibles, qui sont réactives au moindre changement sur la peau (nouvelle utilisation de produits, changement de climat, pollution, application d'un appareil sur la peau, etc.) peuvent mal vivre l'utilisation d'un aspirateur à points noirs. Le risque est de déclencher une dermatose, soit une affection de la peau. Si vous avez la peau sensible, il est donc fortement conseillé d'extraire les points noirs d'une autre façon, notamment en vous rendant dans un salon esthétique.

Quelles sont les alternatives à un aspirateur à point noir ?

L'aspirateur à point noir n'est pas la seule solution pour extraire les points noirs de la peau. Il y a bien entendu la méthode la plus simple qui consiste à les retirer avec les doigts. Vous pouvez sinon utiliser des patchs anti points noirs qui peuvent parfaitement faire l'affaire ou encore un tire comédon. Mais si vous n'avez pas envie de vous prendre la tête, alors n'hésitez pas à vous rendre dans un salon esthétique.

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