Tips & Information
Everything you need to know about blackheads on the back
Blackheads are not only found on the face, on the famous T-zone which constitutes the chin, nose and forehead. We can also find blackheads on the ears, cheeks, but also on the rest of the body. Indeed, the sebaceous glands, responsible for the production of sebum are everywhere on the body, in more or less important quantity. However, blackheads are due to an overproduction of sebum which will clog the hair follicles. This therefore occur anywhere on the body. This is how we find blackheads on the back.
Why do we have blackheads on the back?
Blackheads on the back are caused by multiple reasons:
Blackheads on the back due to oily or combination skin
Each type of skin is not affected in the same way by the arrival of blackheads on the back. For this reason, it is important to know your skin type well. Thus, people with oily skin or combination skin will have more blackheads on the back than people with normal or dry skin:
not only the pores of the skin are more dilated
but in addition the large sebaceous produce more sebum.
It's genetic, it's hormonal, you can't do anything about it except use products that will absorb the excess sebum produced by your sebaceous glands.
Blackheads on the back linked to puberty
Of course, this concerns teenagers. This is a period during which hormones are in high activity. The sebaceous glands, responsible for the production of sebum, will thus produce sebum in large quantities and therefore prevent the pores from tightening. Blackheads will thus be able to appear with ease!
Blackheads on the back due to hormonal imbalance
It comes in adulthood if the person notices a strong, abnormal outbreak of acne-like pimples and blackheads on the body. During this period of hormonal imbalance, the hormones no longer function normally and this has a direct impact on the sebaceous glands, which will produce sebum in very large quantities. The hormonal change can occur when taking the pill for women, during pregnancy, menopause, andropause, etc.
Hormonal imbalance can also occur if you take hormones.
Blackheads on the back from sun exposure
As soon as the first rays of sunshine arrive, we do not hesitate to expose ourselves to the sun, to put our torsos bare, without sunscreen to protect our backs. And generally, the upper back is expensive! Moreover, the moles related to the sun are very numerous on the upper back. When the skin is exposed to the sun, it tends to thicken to protect itself. This means that the pores will clog and the sebum can no longer be evacuated, thus promoting the appearance of blackheads on the back.
Blackheads on the back due to poor hygiene
It is true that the back is not necessarily a part of which we take great care, us men. Apart from washing our backs when we take our shower, with shower gel, we don't do much. And yet the back deserves to be better taken into consideration, in particular to prevent the skin from drying out, but also to avoid the appearance of blackheads on the back.
Blackheads on the back following friction
Blackheads on the back can also happen, more than anywhere else on the back, due to the clothes we wear, which can be too tight and therefore prevent the skin from breathing. The pores will thus dilate. Similarly, people who frequently carry a backpack will be more likely to have blackheads on their backs, due to the effect of friction and the heat created.
Blackheads on the back following beauty products
Blackheads on the back can also appear following the use of certain beauty products on the back that will be too oily for the skin. Thus, these products will clog the pores of the skin, thus preventing them from tightening. The sebum will thus find a good place and promote the production of blackheads on the back. We use more and more moisturizing products for the body, such as body milk. So be careful with the products you are going to use, always take, if you have blackheads on your back, non-comedogenic products.
Blackheads on the back due to poor diet
Blackheads on the back can also occur because of our diet. Our skin doesn't really like it when we eat too much fat and too much sugar. Thus, industrial-type products such as pizzas, fries, fried products, hamburgers, etc. may be responsible for the arrival of blackheads on the back. If you have it and you tend to go too much towards this type of diet, don't hesitate to change it to a healthier diet!

Blackheads on the back linked to poor hygiene
If you are a heavy smoker and you smoke several cigarettes a day, or if you tend to drink alcohol too often, know that you are not doing anything to prevent the appearance of blackheads on the back. Alcohol and tobacco are indeed two external factors that promote the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, and therefore the appearance of blackheads on the back.
How to avoid blackheads on the back?
To avoid the appearance of blackheads on the back, it will be necessary to take into account all the possible causes presented below. So inevitably, it will be necessary to find a healthy lifestyle and a good diet, which are two essential factors for the appearance of blackheads on the back. But a few beauty tricks for men can also prevent blackheads on the back.
Clean your skin well to avoid blackheads on the back
To avoid the appearance of blackheads on the back, you will have to clean your skin on your back. Stop using your shower gel (unless it's suitable) and take a purifying cleansing foam or micellar water instead. Preferably use products suitable for oily skin.
To thoroughly cleanse your skin on your back, like that on your face, use gentle products that won't irritate the skin. To protect itself, the skin will then tend to produce sebum. Also use products that do not contain alcohol.
Moisturize your back to avoid blackheads on the back
It may sound strange to you, but yes, oily and combination skin also needs hydration! Oily skin can indeed be dry, or lacking in water. And to fill this lack of water, essential to the hydrolipidic film which will protect it, the skin will produce excess sebum, also a component of this film.
Do a regular back scrub to limit blackheads on the back
More and more men tend to do facial scrubs. On the other hand, few of them do body scrubs. And yet it is essential to exfoliate the body, and especially the back, to avoid blackheads on the back. Because dead cells and other impurities are not only found on the face: the skin of the whole body is regenerated. Do not hesitate to do once a week, while you are in the shower, a body scrub, emphasizing the upper back and shoulders. The back scrub will allow you to:
deep cleanse the skin
remove all dead cells
remove excess sebum
tighten skin pores
improve skin texture
have softer back skin
Make a mask with green clay to avoid blackheads on the back
If you tend to have many blackheads on your back, do not hesitate to make a green clay mask on your back! And yes, why just make masks on the face? Green clay will help absorb excess sebum on your back by working in the same way as a blotter. By having less sebum, you will have fewer blackheads on your back. You can do a green clay mask on your back once a week, before taking your shower on the weekend, for example, or on a day when you are not working. Leave on for around 20 minutes.
Blackheads on the back are quite unsightly and can be a real annoyance, especially if there are a lot of them. When the time comes to go shirtless at the beach, at the swimming pool or even in the park, it is not necessarily super pleasant and comfortable to show up with a back where blackheads are in full force.
But, unlike the face, blackheads on the back are very difficult to remove: fingertips require acrobatic skills, and anti-blackhead patches are not at all suitable. Below are my tips for removing blackheads on the back.
How to remove blackheads on the back?
Getting help to remove blackheads on the back remains the most practical solution! If you are lucky enough to have a partner who is not disgusted by blackheads, do not hesitate to ask them for help! There are even some people who love removing blackheads! It would be a shame to deprive them of this desire!!
Accessories to remove blackheads on the back
To remove blackheads on the back, your partner will have several solutions:
Remove blackheads on the back by hand
Removing blackheads on the back by hand is the simplest, most practical solution, but it is not the best solution either! Indeed, it will be necessary to take several measures:
wash your hands well beforehand to avoid infections. Bacteria can be on the hands, it would be a shame to apply them to the blackhead area.
Be careful not to force too much so as not to damage the area, at the risk of causing bleeding, or even worse, leaving permanent traces.
Basically, it is advisable to remove blackheads on the back by hand on the condition that they are not too deep, but on the surface of the skin.
Remove blackheads on the back with a vacuum cleaner
Another way to remove blackheads on the back is to use a blackhead vacuum . These are devices that we see more and more, but also be careful, it is necessary to master them well:
do not use too strong a suction to avoid damaging the skin and leaving permanent traces
use this device for blackheads that are not too deep.
Here is the Mosen brand blackhead vacuum cleaner that I recommend.
Equipped with professional vacuum adsorption technology, Mosen blackhead vacuum cleaner has powerful suction and deeper cleaning ability for your skin. It will get rid of stubborn blackheads, whiteheads, excess cornea, dead skin and makeup residue.
Remove blackheads on the back with a blackhead remover
The blackhead remover is certainly the most effective method for removing a blackhead on the back. But again, use it gently.
This pack features six different surgical grade stainless steel blackhead remover tools. You can use it on all parts of your face and body.
The preparation to remove blackheads on the back
In any case, it will be advisable, before starting to remove blackheads on the back, to apply a hot towel on the back to soften the blackheads and open the pores. This will make it easier to remove blackheads on the back.
If you don't have someone to remove the blackheads on your back, do not hesitate to go to a beautician.
Care to remove blackheads on the back
Use a konjac sponge to remove blackheads on the back
Konjac sponges are currently fashionable in bathrooms because they allow deep cleaning of the skin and especially to unclog the pores of the skin. Indeed the konjac sponge will have a gentle exfoliating action on the skin. It will therefore be particularly effective in removing blackheads on the back that are on the surface of the skin, when you feel them when you run your finger over them.
Of course, it is advisable to use the konjac sponge when you are in the shower.
Do a back scrub to remove blackheads on the back
The back scrub will have a double beneficial action against blackheads on the back:
Not only will it prevent their appearance by allowing the skin to be deeply cleansed. Excess sebum and dead cells and other impurities on your back will be removed.
But in addition the exfoliation will allow to remove the blackheads in the back which are slightly out. You know, we can feel when we run our hand over the back of the blackheads that are no longer buried deep in the skin. The grains of the scrub will thus make it possible to remove the blackheads on the back.
Scrub made with slivers of apricot kernels. Apply to damp skin with circular massages, ideally in the shower (no need to press too hard, the grains are quite exfoliating), then rinse with water.
The Weleda Birch shower scrub refines and smoothes the skin without irritating it. Fine beads of carnauba wax and beeswax stimulate the skin and promote its renewal
Use lemon juice to remove blackheads on the back
Here is a very effective natural remedy to remove blackheads on the back: make yourself a lemon juice! And yes the lemon juice, due to the AHAs it contains, will act as a scrub and therefore remove blackheads on the back.
My little recipe: mix lemon juice in equal quantity with rose water and leave to apply for 30 minutes on the skin then rinse. If you have a lot of blackheads, do this several times a week. However, be careful not to expose yourself to the sun afterwards, as lemon juice is photosensitive.
Hormonal imbalance can also occur if you take hormones.
You now have all my tips for removing blackheads on the back.
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