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Tips & Information

Atopic skin: what you need to know


Atopic skin affects more and more people. Here's everything you need to know about atopic skin.

Atopic skin is a modern phenomenon that affects more and more people today, regardless of gender. You should also know that atopic skin is one of the leading causes of consultation with dermatologists today. And yet, it is a type of skin that is still very little known.

Through this article, you will discover everything you need to know about atopic skin.

How to recognize atopic skin?

Atopic skin is a type of skin that is very easily recognized. Indeed, atopic skin is very reactive skin and is characterized by the following reactions:

  • constantly itchy skin, especially after cleaning it in the shower

  • extremely dry skin. This is what differentiates atopic skin from dry skin .

  • red patches present on the skin often covered with small blisters, which itch.

You should know that atopic skin is not contagious and can be treated very easily.

What are the causes of atopic skin?

There are many reasons why a person has atopic skin. Here are the main reasons.

Atopic skin and genetics.

You should know that genes are the main reason why a person has atopic skin. You can't help it, it's like that, you just have to thank your old ! Indeed, between 50 and 70% of people with atopic skin also have a relative who has it. And by the way, if both of your parents have atopic skin, then your risk of having it increases to 80%.

Atopic skin linked to external factors

You should know that in recent years the number of people with atopic skin has increased significantly, linked to our lifestyle and our modern consumption. The number of people with atopic skin has indeed increased from 5% before the 1960s to nearly 20% today. Genes cannot therefore be the only ones to blame. The reasons that indeed promote atopic skin are :

  • urban pollution and industrial emissions

  • tobacco use

  • too much washing of the skin

  • overconsumption of care products, not necessarily adapted to your skin type.

  • more and more synthetic clothes

  • allergies to certain foods


Atopic skin and allergens

If you have atopic skin, it is also certainly that you are allergic to certain elements. I often talk in my blog posts about essential oils in certain products. You should know that some people may be allergic to these essential oils and thus be the cause of atopic skin. Choose skincare products that do not contain essential oils.

Similarly, other materials such as silk or leather present in certain clothes can be the cause of atopic skin. So choose clothes made of other materials.

Also, following all these negative effects, the skin is more attacked than before. The hydrolipidic film of the skin which is supposed to protect it from external aggressions is thinner, less strong, less resistant.

How to take care of atopic skin?

Hydrate your atopic skin

Since atopic skin is characterized by a state of extreme dryness, it will be necessary to integrate moisturizing products into your beauty routine, morning and evening ! And by moisturizers, we mean the use of moisturizing and soothing creams. Why is it important to include hydration in the care routine for atopic skin ? Because daily hydration will simply strengthen the hydrolipidic film which will thus be stronger and more effective against external aggressions.

But be careful, do not choose just any moisturizer, you will have to opt for a moisturizer specially adapted to atopic skin. There are indeed moisturizing creams for atopic skin. These products will be stronger than moisturizers for other skin types, they are generally anti-irritant and can soothe and repair atopic skin very effectively.

Of course, you will have to apply a moisturizer morning and evening to your atopic skin.

Drink plenty to avoid atopic skin

Hydrating atopic skin with moisturizing products is good, but deeply hydrating it is even better! And for that, there is no miracle, you have to drink, water of course! It is indeed important to drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 l to 2 l of water per day. And if you play sports, you will have to drink even more, in particular to facilitate muscle recovery.

Natural clothes against atopic skin

If you notice reactions on your arms, legs, torso or back, your atopic skin is surely an allergy related to the clothes you wear. Forget all synthetic materials, and even silk, and favor other materials such as linen or cotton.

Wash your atopic skin differently

Washing her skin can be harsh on her and lead to atopic skin. The aggression comes either from too frequent washing (it is not good to wash several times a day), or from products not adapted to your skin type.

If you have atopic skin, use surgras products, such as surgras soap for example. This will respect the hydrolipidic film of your skin.

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