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How to remove blackheads from the nose? My advice

enlever points noirs nez

Blackheads on the nose are usually the most visible. They can be a nuisance for those who have them. Here are my tips for removing blackheads from the nose.


Ah blackheads on the nose. All people who are likely to have blackheads on the face do a real hunt for blackheads on the nose. In front of the mirror, tweaking your nose in all directions trying not to do too much damage so that it is as discreet as possible. Especially since some blackheads on the nose are well anchored in the skin, it is usually these blackheads on which we spend the most time. Yes, we hunt because the blackheads on the nose are visible. Even clearly visible when they are large, they are thus a source of discomfort.

Below are my tips for removing blackheads from the nose.


Do not use your hands to remove blackheads from the nose

I know, that's what we all do when we want to remove blackheads from the nose. To go quickly, not to take the lead either, we use our fingers to remove blackheads from the nose. And it usually ends in a massacre, especially if the blackhead is firmly anchored in the nose (we insist, we insist...). But this is not a good idea at all because by doing so, we risk increasing the risk of infections and the arrival of pimples on the nose. Especially since, when we do, we do n't wash our hands thoroughly beforehand.

If you really want to feel the touch of the fingers on your nose, it is best to go to your beautician who has mastered the art of removing blackheads from the nose!


Tips for removing blackheads from the nose

Here are some very simple tips to perform to gently remove blackheads from the nose.

A steam bath to remove blackheads from the nose

The facial steam bath has the double advantage of not only eliminating toxins but also opening the pores of the skin. And who says open skin pores, says that it will be easier to remove blackheads from the nose (with your fingers if you insist or with a blackhead remover).


To make a steam bath, it's very simple, it's like doing an inhalation: just heat two liters of water that you put in an inhaler for example if you have one, otherwise in a bowl (you will cover your head with a towel to keep the hot water steam). If you want to make a more elaborate bath, you can add essential oils, such as tea tree essential oil.

Once you have finished your steam bath (when the water is no longer hot enough), take a clean handkerchief and run it over your nose to remove blackheads from your nose.

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Frequent use of Measteam Revolution helps to fight lastingly against blackheads and impurities, stimulates blood circulation in the face and facilitates the penetration of the active ingredients contained in skincare creams and masks.

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The Tillmann's Facial Sauna is a mini hammam for the face, the pores of the skin open on contact with heat and humidity. The effect of facial treatments (mask, cream) will be optimized. Two blackhead extractors in one case!!!

A blackhead remover to remove blackheads from the nose

The blackhead remover is a very practical tool for removing blackheads from the nose, and yet it is still very little used by men. In fact, many don't even know it exists. And yet, the blackhead remover will allow you to remove blackheads from the nose very simply, very easily, without damaging the skin. You will have to use the blackhead remover , and particularly the loop-shaped tip, by placing it around the blackhead of the nose and exerting pressure to remove it. It is advisable not to press too hard on the skin of the nose so as not to damage it, it is necessary to go very slowly, by exerting a delicate pressure.


If ever the blackhead of the nose is too deep, I advise you to do a facial steam bath in order to relax the pores of the nose. This will make it easier to remove the blackhead from the nose. Don't forget to disinfect the area.


This pack features six different surgical grade stainless steel blackhead remover tools. You can use it on all parts of your face and body.

An anti blackhead patch to remove blackheads from the nose

Anti-blackhead patches are the most practical solution for removing blackheads from the nose. They are easy to use because they usually have a shape that is perfectly adapted to the nose. All you have to do is apply the anti-blackhead patch on your nose and wait a few minutes before removing it. A few minutes during which you can do something else or another treatment. Then, removing it, we are in awe seeing all the blackheads on the nose that are taped to the patch, like a work of art that we would like to show to as many people as possible. Just kidding... though!

The patch to remove blackheads from the nose is indeed a good solution, but it is not going to be suitable for all skin types. It is therefore strongly discouraged for people with dry skin and/or sensitive skin to use an anti-blackhead patch. Indeed, the patch will participate, by its sticky side, in removing the hydrolipidic film from the skin which is supposed to protect it.

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They act like a magnet to instantly capture and rid skin of encrusted impurities, excess oil and blackheads.

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Patches specially designed to remove blackheads from the T zone (nose, forehead and chin). Formula enriched with vegetable charcoal.

A blackhead vacuum cleaner against blackheads on the nose

The blackhead vacuum cleaner can be a good alternative to remove blackheads from the nose. It is an accessory that we find more and more in our bathrooms. It's simple to use and convenient, but can cause damage to the skin if the suction is too strong. So be careful before using a vacuum cleaner to remove blackheads from the nose:

  • test the power of the front vacuum on your hand to make sure it's not too strong

  • don't use the vacuum too often on your skin, as this can harm it.

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Equipped with professional vacuum adsorption technology, Mosen blackhead vacuum cleaner has powerful suction and deeper cleaning ability for your skin. It will rid you of facial problems including stubborn blackheads, whiteheads, excess cornea, dead skin and makeup residue.

Lemon juice to remove blackheads from the nose

If you are looking for an effective natural remedy to remove blackheads from the nose, then I advise you to use the lemon that you have left in the kitchen and which you do not really know what to do with! Indeed lemon juice is an excellent natural remedy to remove blackheads from the nose. To use it, it's very simple: just put a few drops of lemon juice on a cotton swab, and apply it directly to the comedones.

Remove blackheads from the nose with toothpaste

Another method to remove blackheads from the nose is to use toothpaste. This is a method that we have seen a lot on social networks, but is it really effective? The answer is yes, but it is not the toothpaste as such that has an impact but rather certain ingredients present in toothpastes ... but not in all.​

Concretely, in order to remove blackheads from the nose with toothpaste, you will have to choose your toothpaste:

  • never take whitening toothpaste as it can also whiten the skin. 

  • take a natural toothpaste that does not contain fluoride. Some people are allergic to fluoride and applying it to the skin may cause discomfort.

  • take a toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide and/or baking soda. Because it is these two ingredients that will precisely eliminate impurities.

But between us, you can just as easily buy pure baking soda.

How to remove blackheads from the nose with toothpaste? Cover the blackhead with toothpaste and let sit for at least 2 hours, before rinsing. As part of the first use, it will be recommended to test on a patch of skin for 30 minutes, to make sure that your skin will not react badly.

Aesthetic medicine to remove blackheads from the nose

If you really have a lot of blackheads on your nose, the solution may also be to seek aesthetic medicine. I am not talking about cosmetic surgery, but about cosmetic medicine, a soft and non-intrusive medicine. Aesthetic medicine clinics offer various treatments for:

  • deep cleanse the skin

  • remove blackheads

  • tighten the pores of the skin, which will subsequently prevent the appearance of blackheads on the nose.

On this subject, I tested the Hydrafacial treatment at the Clinique del Mar in Antibes, a treatment that I really recommend if you want to effectively remove blackheads from the nose. I invite you to find my article :

I tested Hydrafacial at Clinique del Mar, my opinion.

What to do if you have a lot of nose blackheads

If you have a lot of blackheads on your nose, or regularly, the problem is to be solved upstream.

Remove excess sebum from the nose

The main cause of the arrival of blackheads on the nose is the excessive production of sebum on your skin. You thus have oily skin, and the sebum will accumulate on your nose and thus clog the pores of your nose. It should be remembered that the blackhead is indeed sebum which has oxidized on contact with the air, hence the fact that it will take on a black color.

Thus, to avoid blackheads on the nose, it will be necessary to regulate the production of sebum by using products suitable for oily skin, and by avoiding certain make-up products.

Thoroughly cleanse your skin to avoid blackheads on the nose

Another gesture that will have to be taken into account to avoid blackheads on the nose will be to cleanse your skin well. And this for two reasons:

  • cleanse well to remove excess sebum and dead cells that will clog the pores of your skin

  • clean your nose thoroughly to tighten pores. Thus, with clogged nose pores, nose blackheads will no longer be present.

A homemade exfoliation against the blackhead on the nose 

If you really have a lot of blackheads on your nose, then you will be advised to perform a homemade exfoliation once or twice a week. However, pay attention to your skin type. If you have oily or combination skin, depending on your sebum production, you can then do up to 2 exfoliations per week (concretely, if you have really shiny nose skin, you can do 2 exfoliations). But if you have normal or sensitive skin, then 1 exfoliation per week, or even 1 exfoliation every 10 days will be sufficient. 

Of course, the exfoliation through the grains will deeply cleanse the skin of the nose by removing excess sebum, dead cells and other small things from the pores that can become embedded there, and form blackheads on the nose._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Rather than buying a scrub product, here is a simple little recipe to make your homemade scrub against blackheads on the nose:  

  • you take powdered sugar and honey in your kitchen

  • you mix them in equal quantity so as to make a small paste. Since you are going to apply this scrub on the nose, it is not necessary to make a large quantity. 

  • lightly massage your nose for a few seconds with this mixture, then rinse.

This is a simple and effective homemade recipe.

A homemade mask against blackheads on the nose

In addition to a scrub, you can also make a homemade mask against blackheads on the nose, to prevent their appearance. And for that, no need to spend a lot of money to do it, clay will suffice! And not just any clay, green clay. It is indeed known to purify the skin, green clay will act as a blotter that will absorb excess sebum, and therefore prevent the appearance of blackheads on the nose.

You can easily find green clay in health food stores. Just mix it with a little water to make a paste and apply it on the face. After about ten minutes, you can remove this mask with clear water, and your skin is perfectly purified.

How to remove a large blackhead on the nose

You may have a big blackhead on your nose, not to say a huge blackhead on your nose because you always see them bigger than they really are, and that can be difficult to remove because well inlaid. If so, here are my tips: 

  • do not try to remove it with your fingers, especially if it is well embedded. Since it is big, you might damage a good part of the skin of your nose, which would not be very pretty. 

  • you can try to remove it with a blackhead remover, to see if it leaves with this accessory. But there too, do not force at the risk of leaving a mark on the skin.

  • take a facial steam bath to open the pores of the skin as much as possible. This will certainly make it possible to remove the large blackhead on the nose without worry.

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