Tips & Information
Why thread hair removal?

Threading is a very effective method of hair removal. Here's everything you need to know about threading.
Thread hair removal is currently very popular in Europe and especially in France, but you should know that it is not a new form of hair removal, it is very old. Thread hair removal was originally widely used in India, Iran and Turkey. Threading is thus one of the favorite body care methods of Asian and Oriental women, to remove certain facial hair.
Why thread hair removal?
Threading has many advantages.
Threading hair removal for slow regrowth
More and more aesthetic centers and beauty salons are offering thread hair removal services in their establishment. And we understand why! Thread epilation pulls the hair out to the root. The hair follicle being thus torn out with the hair, regrowth is slower than during shaving or depilation with tweezers or with a depilatory cream for men .
Threading for its precision
It is in particular for this reason that some men resort to threading to better define the outline of the beard . To have a beautiful beard , it is indeed advisable to have a perfect beard outline by removing the few hairs that may grow on the top of the cheeks. Thread epilation allows ultra-precise facial epilation since it is possible to grasp each hair individually and then remove it. But because of this, thread epilation is especially recommended for removing hair on small areas such as the face or for bikini waxing . Of course, threading is a perfect way to do eyebrow hair removal for men since it will allow you to perfectly shape the eyebrows and in particular to make the mono eyebrow disappear.
Threading hair removal for perfect regrowth
Another advantage of thread epilation is that it will allow perfect hair growth. Indeed, as the hair is removed from its root, it is not cut as may be the case with a razor. Thus, there is no risk of having a badly cut hair which will thus favor the appearance of an ingrown hair.
Threading is environmentally friendly
If you are a fan of zero waste care, then threading hair removal will be an excellent way for you to do facial hair removal while remaining environmentally friendly. Indeed, unlike other methods of hair removal for men , you do not need products or accessories. Only one thread is needed, which you can reuse several times. What's more, since you only need threads, reusable and more, threading hair removal is a very economical hair removal.
What you need to know about threading
Relatively painful threading hair removal
Some people don't dare try threading hair removal for fear of having a painful experience. However, the pain during a threading session varies from person to person, depending on your sensitivity. It will also depend on the dexterity of your practitioner. But generally in institute, you have no risk, the beauticians are used to practice thread hair removal.
Long hairs for threading
If you want to redraw your hair with threading, you will however have to let your hair grow for several weeks. To do thread hair removal, your hair must be long enough to be trapped in the thread handled by your beautician. Hairs that are too short cannot be caught by the thread.
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