Tips & Information
Sparse or incomplete beard: what to do?

Do you have a sparse beard or an incomplete beard? Here are all my tips for maintaining this type of beard.
How many men complain of their sparse or incomplete beard! The vast majority of men would indeed like a beautiful beard , a thick beard , a beard that takes the whole face and with which they can show off. Unfortunately, many men cannot do this due to uneven beard growth.
Below are my tips for managing a sparse or incomplete beard.
What is a sparse or incomplete beard?
Before talking about a sparse or incomplete beard, it is already important to specify what we are going to talk about. You should know that a sparse or incomplete beard is defined by several elements:
A sparse or incomplete beard with low hair density
A sparse or incomplete beard is a beard whose beard hair density is different from one area to another. Thus, on certain parts of the face, such as the chin for example, the beard will be very dense, very thick, while on others, the cheeks, the hair will be less dense. A sparse or incomplete beard is a beard that clearly lacks regularity, it is not homogeneous. As if the beard had not finished growing on certain areas of the face.
A sparse or incomplete beard with holes
A sparse or incomplete beard can also have many holes in the beard . This means that the beard is dense all over the face except in certain places where the skin is very clearly visible. So it gives the impression that the beard has not finished growing. Holes in the beard can be unsightly and cause some discomfort.
Why do you have a sparse or incomplete beard?
But why do we have a sparse or incomplete beard? Well, it's the fault of genetics! Indeed, the growth of beard hair is directly linked to our genes. Thereby :
some hairs will grow faster than others. That's how it is, some hairs will be lazier than others!
some areas of the face will not have a hair follicle, the small pocket under the skin that contains the hair. Thus, if there is no hair follicle, in this case it will be impossible for you to have hair there. You may apply all kinds of products to make the hair grow faster, it will be useless! To find out if the hole in your beard is linked to an absence of hair follicles, I advise you to go to your dermatologist for a check-up. Thus, you will have to accept your sparse or incomplete beard and tame it! You won't have a choice.
What to do with a sparse or incomplete beard?
Let your sparse or incomplete beard grow
If you have a sparse or incomplete beard, you will need to give it time to grow. Indeed, it is not because you have a sparse or incomplete beard today that it will remain so throughout your life. As I said above, it may just be that some hairs take longer than others to grow, it will come. It's just that your beard needs more time to get full density.
Trim your sparse or incomplete beard
Many men who have a sparse or incomplete beard decide to shave it because they don't find it aesthetically pleasing. This is a mistake because many men have sparse or incomplete beards. Also, you should not be embarrassed with your sparse or incomplete beard, on the contrary you must let it grow if you want to have a beard.
But be careful, it should not be left without maintenance, because the length of different beard hairs can quickly be neglected and become aesthetic. Do not hesitate to trim your beard with a beard trimmer , so as to have a short beard , like a 3-day beard for example. The sparse or incomplete beard will thus be less visible.
Then, if you have a sparse or incomplete beard that you really don't accept, that's okay. You can choose a style of beard that suits you, which does not take the whole face, such as a collar or a goatee beard .
How to fill in a sparse or incomplete beard?
If you have a sparse or incomplete beard, you will have to make sure to give it all the elements so that the hair grows as well as possible. If you don't have an absence of hair follicles of course.
Brush your sparse or incomplete beard
Brushing your sparse or incomplete beard will simply stimulate blood microcirculation and therefore promote the well-being of the hair follicle. Thus in better shape, it will allow the beard hair to grow in the best conditions, being stronger, thicker but also shinier. To do this, do not hesitate to run a beard brush over your beard morning and evening.
Use micro-dermabrasion for your sparse or incomplete beard
Another way to possibly wake up your hair follicles is to use a micro-dermabrasion roller. This roller contains on its tip a large number of small, very fine needles which, having passed over the skin of the face, will penetrate into the dermis. These needles will thus promote blood micro-circulation and allow the hair follicle to be in good working order. You can therefore use this roller several times a week on your sparse or incomplete beard. Be careful, however, if you have sensitive skin, rolling the roller over your skin could be quite unpleasant.
Hydrate your sparse or incomplete beard
Moisturizing your sparse or incomplete beard, and more specifically the skin under your beard, will also help take care of the hair follicle. Feel free to apply beard oil every day to your sparse or incomplete beard, even where the hair is less dense. This will also prevent you from beard itching.
What about beard accelerators for a sparse or incomplete beard?
Quite honestly, I'm not a fan of beard growth accelerators to deal with a sparse or incomplete beard. Why ? Because many men buy this type of product without having previously done a skin examination with a dermatologist.
If you don't have a hair follicle where you have a sparse or incomplete beard, you will never have hair, even if you apply a number of products every day. Beard accelerators are effective in making the beard already present grow faster, due to the brewer's yeast they contain or the soy proteins.
A scrub against a sparse or incomplete beard?
Do not hesitate to include in your beard care routine a beard scrub once a week, emphasizing in particular the parts where your beard is sparse or incomplete. Why ? The beard scrub will indeed help to promote blood microcirculation and therefore wake up or energize the hair follicle. Thus, if the latter is slightly asleep, then he will wake up and allow your beard hair to grow in the best possible conditions.
A sumptuous combination for this exceptional exfoliation with liquid crystals and precious oils which provides a gentle double exfoliating action.
Exfoliating treatment for beard and face. This paste deeply cleanses the beard and face by eliminating impurities and dead cells.
This alpine goat's milk soap developed in collaboration with a soap factory in Ariège was made with apricot kernels ground into very fine particles.
Tips for hiding a sparse or incomplete beard
beard makeup
What if we cheat a little to have a nice beard and no longer have that sparse or incomplete beard that bothers you so much? If we don't tell anyone, only you will know! And for that, I suggest you use makeup for men . Don't panic, it's no longer taboo for men to wear makeup. Brands have understood this, they now offer many products to hide our imperfections. The little imperfections that bother us. And they thought of the beard!
You can indeed find products that will visually make the beard thicker and thus be able to fill in the sparse or incomplete beard. These products are:
beard mascara: as with eyebrow mascara, it comes in the form of a brush to pass over the hairs of your beard. This will not only hide the gray hairs in your beard, especially if you have a salt and pepper beard , but also make the hair slightly thicker with makeup.
beard pencil: it works on the same system as mascara, but will perhaps be a little more natural because you are only going to apply it to very specific areas.
You can find in the video below my test of ALTR London's beard mascara.
Beard dye for a visual effect
Another trick to visually hide a sparse or incomplete beard is to dye your beard . Indeed, beard dye, which is also called beard coloring, will have the effect of covering the hair of the beard and therefore making it visually thicker. So, if you have a sparse beard, your beard hair will look thinner and the sparse effect will be reduced. To do this, I advise you to take a beard dye whose color is close to your natural shade.
The transplant against a sparse or incomplete beard
Finally, the last resort I would say against a sparse or incomplete beard is to have a beard transplant. This is done more and more, like hair transplants. To do your beard transplant, you must approach an aesthetic medicine clinic, which will give you all the information on the techniques used.
The goal of the beard transplant is to put hair follicles in the holes you may have, either in a specific place in your beard, or all over your beard if it is really sparse. It is a very good solution because the effect will be permanent and you will thus have, a few months after the transplant, a beautiful beard, a thick beard.
You now have all my advice for maintaining and above all accepting your sparse or incomplete beard.
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