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The beauty blog for men


Through this section of the Le Male Français blog , you will find all the reviews of men's skincare products that I can do. I use a lot of them and I wanted to give my feedback. So yes, Le Male Français is a beauty blog for men, but a beauty blog for men in all simplicity.

A beauty blog for men with tests


The blog Le Male Français is above all a blog that talks about beauty for men. Topics related to men's beauty were the blog's first topics when it launched in 2016. And even for nearly two years, all topics revolved around men's beauty. It was a real beauty blog for men. Today, the subjects are much more varied.

Why a beauty blog for men?

Why did I create a blog dedicated to beauty for men ? Simply because I couldn't find any interesting information about men's beauty. I was indeed looking for information regarding facial care, beard care, body care, hair care, perfumes, etc. Whether in magazines or in blogs, I found the information sparse, or even it boiled down to just commercial news, with little detail. And it's a pity that the media today pay little attention to this subject. Because today, beauty is no longer just for women. Yes, nowadays, men take care of themselves, more and more care of themselves. You just have to see how the new generation of men, those aged 20, 30, take care of themselves, of their face. I think our great-grandparents would be really surprised !!!

This is becoming a real phenomenon to the point that many beauty brands for men are emerging. Whether it's Horace , Bivouak, Archiman... I couldn't name them all because in recent years, many beauty brands for men have appeared on the market. And I'm only talking about French brands ! What is happening in South Korea, for example, is madness. Even large retailers now offer beauty products reserved for men. And I think that's a very good thing. Of course, they do it for business reasons. Men today are ready to spend a certain budget to take care of themselves. Men thus have the choice of choosing the products that suit them the most, that correspond to the image they want to convey. Each brand offers a clear positioning. Our fathers didn't really have a choice : apart from the Nivea brand, no other brand at the time had ventured into the men's beauty market. It must also be said that before, men did the minimum to take care of water : brushing teeth, shaving, washing the face with soap… And as for perfume, it was generally cologne. Not very folichon all that.

Times have changed and men now have their beauty routine in the morning and another beauty routine in the evening. Many wash their face with a facial cleanser suitable for their skin. Many men also use serums to take care of their skin. Serums also adapted according to their skin type : oily skin, combination skin, normal skin, dry skin, sensitive skin… Many also apply a moisturizing product to prevent signs of aging. Finally, some do not hesitate to apply anti-UV products on a daily basis to prevent the appearance of age spots. So many beauty products for men, so much interest in brands.

A beauty blog for men: it's no longer taboo!

It is not because we talk about beauty for men that we undermine masculinity, virility. Quite the contrary. The man of today is no longer the man who must be neglected in order to please. Masculinity no longer rhymes with having a long beard. The codes of beauty for men have changed. Today, some men do not hesitate to wear makeup to hide skin imperfections. Who would have thought a few years ago that make-up would no longer be just the prerogative of women ?

Through this men's beauty blog, I wanted to highlight the whole universe of men's beauty. To relieve those who felt embarrassed by the use of care products, who dared not talk about it too much. To give beauty advice for men too. This is how I test many skincare products for men and give my opinion through the articles that you can find on Le Male Français.

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